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    Taking place in another galaxy, a space pilot is returning to his home world of Volfied, only to discover that it is under attack by an unknown alien force. The few remaining Volfied inhabitants are in an underground location of the planet and signal the pilot to their aid. The pilot flies to Volfied using his ship’s defensive weapons in order to eliminate the alien threat and save his people.

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    Volfied is an action arcade game designed by Fukio Mitsuji and released by Taito in 1989. It is a successor to Qix, with extra features and a futuristic science fiction aesthetic, rather than Qix’s abstract geometry style; the player pilots a small spaceship named “Monotros” instead of a Stix, and the enemies come in the form of various aliens. Play Volfied online!

    Volfied game description

    The space ship Monotros has returned after receiving an SOS call to save his home world (Volfied) from alien invaders and has to defeat a different boss and his minions in each level. Volfied is very similar to Qix — the player takes control of an ship/object whose purpose is to roam the screen, forming shapes and removing them from the play field. By way of reward, a picture is gradually revealed in the removed areas of the screen. The borders of the area which the player has not cleared become the border of the area the player’s pointer can move along. When not cutting the ship is protected by a shield the shield decreases over time and when it hits zero the enemies can also killl you when not cutting.

    The player’s object must avoid contact with any of the enemies which float around the screen, as this will weaken and eventually destroy it. Barriers limit which parts of the border boxes can be formed through. The goal is to clear 80% or more of the screen, and each additional percent adds bonus points. Most levels contain power-up blocks these power-ups can be claimed when the area around it is removed. Possible power-ups are increased speed (S), time frees for the enemies (T), pause you shield from counting down (P), a laser to shoot the smaller enemies (L), all smaller enemies are killed instantly (C) and a weapon to kill the boss (a red tomato only found in blocks with the red light).

    This game allows for one or two player games in three difficulty levels, but offers no passwords or saved games across its numerous levels.

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