You can play DOS games online, in a web browser. We are using emscripten version of popular DOS-BOX application to play DOS games online.
Each game uses different controls, most Amiga games use both mouse and keyboard.
Best results with Chrome or Chromium browser, Firefox gives next best results.
You can speed up or slow down games using ctrl+F11 and ctrl+F12 keys.
Which Graphics card do I choose?
Best to worst graphics:
- VGA – 256 Colors
- MCGA – 256 Colors
- EGA – 16 Colors
- Tandy 1000 – 16 Colors
- CGA – 4 Colors (16 color palette)
- Monochrome – 2 colors (eg. Hercules graphics)
Which Sound card do I choose?
Sound Blaster or Adlib
Port: 220
IRQ: 7
DMA: 1
Now you can play DOS games online, in a web browser. Enjoy! 🙂