WarCraft II: Tides of Darkness DOS front cover
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WarCraft II: Tides of Darkness

Play WarCraft II: Tides of Darkness online, a strategy game with orcs and humans. And sheeps…

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WarCraft II: Tides of Darkness is a sequel to WarCraft: Orcs & Humans strategy game for DOS. Play WarCraft II: Tides of Darkness online here, for free!

WarCraft II: Tides of Darkness game description

With the conquest of the kingdom of Azeroth in the first war, the orcs are now preparing for an invasion of Lordaeron and conquer the remaining human, dwarven and elvisch realms. In an effort to counter this invasion the humans, elves and dwarves formed an alliance in the hope to avert the same fate the kingdom of Azeroth met.

The bloody war between people and orcs can begin …

The game comes with many new features such as fighting not only over land but also over sea and air, SVGA 640×480 resolution graphics with many newly-rendered buildings and units, multiplayer-support with up to eight players, as well as a Red Book audio soundtrack, and a scenario editor that allows players to design and create their own scenarios. The editor requires Windows 3.1 or greater, even though WarCraft II is a DOS-based game.

The original WarCraft and WarCraft 2, including their Tides of Darkness and Beyond the Dark Portal expansions, are now available.

Warcraft II allows players to play AI opponents in separate Human and Orc campaigns, and in stand-alone scenarios. Most of the campaign missions follow the pattern “collect resources, build buildings and units, destroy opponents”. However, some have other objectives, such as rescuing troops or forts, or escorting important characters through enemy territory.[7]

Warcraft II requires players to collect resources, and to produce buildings and units in order to defeat an opponent in combat. The Human Town Hall and Orc Great Hall produce basic workers that dig gold from mines and chop wood from forests and then deliver them to their Halls.

Both buildings can be upgraded twice, each increasing usable resources per load from the workers.

Players can also construct Shipyards, which can produce both combat ships and Oil Tankers. Tankers build construction offshore Oil Platforms and then deliver the oil to buildings on the shoreline. As all three resources are non-renewable, players must use them efficiently.

Forests can also serve as defensive walls. Workers can also construct Farms, each of which provides food for up to four units, and additional units cannot be produced until enough Farms are built. Farms, being very tough for their cost, are also employed as defensive walls.

Humans and Orcs have sets of buildings with similar functions, but different names and graphics, for producing ground, naval, and air units. All but basic combat units require the assistance of other buildings, or must be produced at buildings that have prerequisite buildings, or both.

Many buildings can upgrade combat units.

When advanced units appear, the Orcs have a strong advantage in ground combat, while the Humans have the more powerful fleet and spellcasters. The most advanced ground combatants on each side can be upgraded and taught some spells, which are different for the two sides.

Some campaign missions feature hero units, which are more powerful than normal units of the same type, have unique pictures and names, and must not die, as that causes the failure of the mission.

Play WarCraft II: Tides of Darkness online

You can play WarCraft II: Tides of Darkness online here, for free!

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