Master of Orion DOS front cover
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    Master of Orion

    Master of Orion has 10 playable races, each with a specialty. For instance, the Humans have advantages in trade and diplomacy; the Bulrathi are the best at ground combat; the Silicoids ignore pollution and can colonize even the most hostile planets, but have slow population growth.

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    Master of Orion (MoO or MOO) is a turn-based, 4X science fiction computer strategy game released in 1993 by MicroProse on the MS-DOS and Mac OS operating systems. Play Master of Orion online here!

    Master of Orion game description

    Master of Orion overlaps with Civilization insofar as you are the leader of one of several races. Technological advance, realm expansion and combat are all key elements. Where it differs is in being set in space.

    Master of Orion manual

    The planet Orion itself is a lush, fertile planet with vast mineral resources. It is guarded by the Guardian – a powerful vessel which you have to defeat in order to plunder Orion’s riches.

    Colonies can be bombed from space, or taken in ground invasions. Ground invasions can be conducted through enemy defenses.

    As you attempt to expand your empire, you will have to trade and steal technologies form rivals, again much like Civ. Your ships can be improved over the game, in terms of engine power, shields, cloaking devices and weapons, and different combinations of these can be integrated. Resource management is largely set using sliders, which reduces the amount of time spent on micro-management.

    Play Master of Orion online

    You can play Master of Orion online here, in web browser, for free!

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