Strike Aces DOS front cover
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    Strike Aces

    Strike Aces is a flight simulator designed to give players a feel for the quick decision-making process that real pilots need to fly. Play Strike Aces  online!

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    It takes place at the Strategic Air Command Bombing and Navigation Competition, a real-life event that occurs every year at Ellsworth Air Force Base in South Dakota.

    The best aircrews from around the world and some of the best aircraft come to participate in a series of three missions that are constantly monitored, with points awarded to aircrews in various categories. In the end, the aircrew that has gained the post points receives the Curtis E. LeMay trophy.

    In this game, you are the pilot of one of these aircrews with a choice of flying one of six aircraft, and your missions will pit you against any of seven additional enemy aircraft (although you will not get to fly them).

    To practice flying, you can do a Free Flight; when you’re ready to compete, you will get to complete a series of 16 missions. You can also design your own missions, if you like.

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