Liverpool: The Computer Game DOS front cover
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    Liverpool: The Computer Game

    Liverpool is a football video game that allows the player to take control of Liverpool F.C. and play against other teams in the English football league system and FA Cup.

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    In 1992, Liverpool FC had been the UK’s leading club for most of the previous 30 years, although their FA Cup success that year proved to be their last major trophy for nearly a decade. Arc Developments’ licensed game features a third-person 3D view similar to Striker, with a small area of the screen in detail at a time, although there is also a scanner to view where players are on the full pitch. Play Liverpool: The Computer Game online!

    Playing as Liverpool, you can play either the full season, single matches, a 2-player friendly, or the FA Cup in season. Each Liverpool player has a full profile (although they all look the same on the pitch, and are all depicted as white), and the formation and team lineup can be chosen.

    The ball roughly sticks to your foot, and player control is transferred to the player nearest to the ball by tapping fire, even if he is not close enough to the ball to be in view. Tapping fire as the ball comes to you will attempt a one-touch pass in the direction the joystick is pointing. Unusually, aftertouch is optional.

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