Ultimate NFL Coaches Club Football DOS front cover
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    Ultimate NFL Coaches Club Football

    Ultimate NFL Coaches Club Football is the second edition of MicroProse’s “Coaches Corner” football simulations. Play Ultimate NFL Coaches Club Football online!

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    Ultimate NFL Coaches Club Football is a football simulation that puts the emphasis on management and coaching rather than arcade action. Includes completely editable statistics for every NFL team and player of the 1994 season, but you can create new teams, players, etc. to update it constantly. Also included is a comprehensive playbook editor.

    Play Ultimate NFL Coaches Club Football online

    Gameplay modes include single games and league play. The action progresses by plays, you stop to select the one you want, or make substitutions or whatever, and then watch the action get carried out in the screen. You also have the choice to listen to a computer coach for advices on every play, or if you don’t want to be bothered you can opt. for the computer to simulate the encounter by itself before the game begins.

    Graphics use 2d-sprites for players over 9 pre-set camera views, and the game includes one-on-one multiplayer modem support.

    NFL Coaches Club Football is an extremelly realistic game, that will teach you how to manage an American football team. It also comes equipped with lots of real simulation for the football fanatics, like my self, to enjoy.

    NFL Coaches Club Football gives you the option of seeing the game in a fully-rotating isometric view. The game also uses many real NFL players, and leaves you to make all the manager decisions. However, if you like, you can control key players when they are close enough to the ball.

    The game it is very brutal, so you should avoid tackles as much as possible, meaning you’ll need to make sure that your players have the strenght to make good passes. The game also gives you the option to change the rooster as you like, and design players of your own to use your team’s strengths to exploit your opponent’s weaknesses.

    NFLCC Football also simulates many variables that the game a big touch of excitement and makes the opponent’s moves unpredictable.

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