Demon’s Crest SNES front cover
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    Demon’s Crest

    Demon’s Crest is the third game in the Gargoyle’s Quest series, a spin-off of the Ghosts ‘n Goblins franchise. The action once again focuses on the demon Firebrand, who must this time collect six magical crests in order to defeat the ambitions of Phalanx.

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    Demon’s Crest is a sequel to Gargoyle’s Quest. Once, the world of demons and the world of humans co-existed in harmony. But then six mysterious crests fell from the sky onto the earth, crests of six elements: fire, water, air, earth, time, and heaven. Play Demon’s Crest online!

    The demons became obsessed with the crests and with the power hidden in them, and so a civil war started. Finally, the Red Demon named Firebrand got all the crests but one – the crest of heaven. The Dragon Demon possessed this crest, so Firebrand decided to confront him. He defeated the Dragon Demon, but was himself severely wounded in battle. While flying back, he was knocked down by a mysterious enemy and lost his crests.

    You control Firebrand, a flying red demon, and your mission is to help him to gain his crests, and to defeat everybody who stands in his way. This is a platform action game: you fight the enemies in real time (using magical attacks), avoid obstacles, collect healing potions on the way, etc. Firebrand can also fly for a short time.

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