The Treehouse DOS front cover
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    The Treehouse

    The Treehouse is one of the best edutainment titles ever made for pre-shoolers (aged 5-8), this game was designed to prepare First and Second graders to develop a positive experience toward learning, as well as impart knowledge on basic subjects they are learning in schools.

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    The Treehouse is an educational title that is set in the location of a children’s treehouse. This game teaches toddlers numbers, shapes, letters as well as having a special focus on learning about animals, through various activities associated with items located throughout the treehouse.

    Clicking on any item in the treehouse will start an activity, or, at least begin an animation.

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    The game’s main characters are two opossums who at various times either want to play or take a nap.

    The activities within the game include music composition and learning, a music maze, a picture scene with interactive objects, a puppet show and a Monopoly-style game that teaches counting and currency concepts.

    Kids will enjoy discovering many mini-games and and activities that are cleverly presented as objects in the treehouse. The games cover a wide range of subjects. In one game, for example, kids will learn new words, arrange them in sentences, and see them performed by eccentric bug actors.

    In another, they will practice elementary math skills and identify coins to outwit pirates. They will learn about the animal kingdom and watch over ninety animals animate as they are placed in different natural backgrounds.

    The game is the second in what became a trilogy of games including the first game The Playroom and finished with the third title, The Backyard.

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