Magical Tarurūto-kun
Fifth grader Edojou Honmaru (voiced by Minami Takayama) is one of the most trodden-upon losers in his class, until he meets Magical Tarurūto-kun (voiced by Tarako). Taruruuto’s powers help him deal with all his hardships, such as girls, bullies, and numerous other challenges. Play Magical Tarurūto-kun online!
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Based on a popular manga comedy published in Shonen Jump, Magical Taruruuto-kun is about a boy named Edojou Honmaru who is constantly being bullied at school until he calls the titular hero Taruruuto from another world to help him.
It is a cutesy platform game that plays similarly to most other games of its genre. There are many hazards to jump over and end of level boss fights, Taruruuto can hit enemies with his wand or pick up items and throw them.