Ace Ventura DOS front cover
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Ace Ventura is an adventure game based on TV cartoon Ace Ventura: Pet Detective. You play an animal-detective, who helps animals in trouble. Travel from Alaska via the magic land Vulcania to Bavaria in this comic adventure, that also contains some action elements. Play Ace Ventura online!

The game resembles Leisure Suit Larry in the way it treats adult material: there’s no explicit nudity or pornographic scenes, but the dialogues, the jokes, the actions and the thoughts of the animal-loving hero go certainly in this direction.

The interface in the game is very simple. You make Ace walk around by clicking on the screen, and tell him to interact with objects by clicking on them. At any time, Ace can access his watch, where settings can be changed and the game saved. Some puzzles are classic “use item on item” adventure fare, but there are lots of action mini-games.
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