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Freeciv is a free empire-building strategy game inspired by the history of human civilization and Sid Meier’s Civilization series. Play Freeciv online now!

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Freeciv is a freeware remake of Civilization, originally SGI IRIX, later expanded to all possible platforms. The goal is to be a good multiplayer version of Civ and to be true to Sid Meier’s version. The game can be configured to be very close to the original DOS Civ and to Civ II, but not to any other versions of Civilization.

It is a turn-based multiplayer strategy game (but humans players move simultaneously), in which each player becomes the leader of a civilization, fighting to become the greatest ruler. The game ends when there is only one nation left, when the final year has been reached or when a player builds and launches a spaceship, which reaches Alpha Centauri first.

Players take the role of tribal leaders in 4000 B.C. who must guide their peoples through the centuries. Over time, new technologies are discovered, which allow the construction of new city buildings and the deployment of new units. Players can wage war on one another or form diplomatic relationships.

The game ends when one civilization has eradicated all others or accomplished the goal of space colonization, or at a given deadline. If more than one civilization remains at the deadline, the player with the highest score wins. Points are awarded for the size of a civilization, its wealth, and cultural and scientific advances.

Freeciv is maintained and constantly improved by an international team of coders and enthusiasts with full multiplayer options and extensive multilanguage support. The game comes with different modpacks that incorporate the rules of the different Civilization games as well as the popular settings of Freeciv players.

You can create your own maps with the civworld editor as well.

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