Kirby in Sonic the Hedgehog Sega Genesis front cover
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Kirby in Sonic the Hedgehog

Kirby in Sonic the Hedgehog is a hack of Sonic the Hedgehog by Lone Devil. It features Kirby whom replaces Sonic as the lead protagonist. Play Kirby in Sonic the Hedgehog online!

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Kirby can inhale monitors and most enemies but cannot copy their abilities. Life counter function as Health points and the only way to obtain Health is grabbing every 50+ Rings, Lampposts, Randomized 1Up Monitors, or Score every 50000+ points. The hack also contains 4 Difficulty modes.


  • BEGINNER: Rings and Lives function exactly like the original Sonic.
  • EASY: Health based Lives, Casual players only.
  • NORMAL: Health based Lives and Randomized Monitors.
  • INSANE: Like Normal, except Continues disabled, No 1Up from Lampposts, and 100+ Rings for a 1Up.

You can play Kirby in Sonic the Hedgehog online here, in a web browser for free!

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