Aero Fighters 2 Neo Geo front cover
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    Aero Fighters 2

    Aero Fighters 2 is a vertically-scrolling shooter in the same vein as 1942 and similar games. Play Aero Fighters 2 online!

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    Aero Fighters 2 supports up to two players and has 8 different aircraft to choose from, each equipped with unique primary and secondary weapons. Power-ups upgrade the look, power, size and shape of the shots. Bombs activate a special power that usually wipes off the enemies on the screen.

    The game has a total of 10 stages (Japan, Brazil, Atlantic, U.S.A., France, Australia, Himalayas, Mexico, Hawaii and Space), all of them with a boss battle.

    Aero Fighters 2 game description

    The game is played with two buttons, with the A button firing projectiles from the plane and the B button launching a special bomb attack which uses a bomb from a limited stock of bombs. Power projectiles can be obtained by destroying buildings and armored enemy planes.

    There are two types of Power projectiles: “P” Power projectiles, that increase the plane’s firepower by one level, and “F” Power projectiles, that increase the plane’s firepower to the maximum level instantly. The maximum level only lasts for a limited number of shots.

    When certain ground enemies and buildings are destroyed, money bonuses appear which give a set number of points based on how fast you destroy them and how quickly you collected the bonus. When the player reaches the end of the stage, the player has to face a boss ship. There are ten levels.

    Once those levels are beaten, there is a character-specific ending. The game then loops with palette changes, but after the looped stages are beaten, the game truly ends.

    Play Aero Fighters 2 online

    You can play Aero Fighters 2 online, in a web browser, for free!

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